Food and Beverage 

Lifting Bags, Bottles, Drums, Kegs, Shrink-Wrapped Items Used in Mixing/Wash Down Areas, End-of-Line Palletizing & More

Shrink Wrapped Products

We offer special gaskets and vacuum cups that can lift loose fitting or irregularly wrapped shrink-wrapped products.


Lift Multiples

Designed to lift different size containers and totes

Mobile Carts can lift totes, transport throughout processing operations and empty.


Vacuum Lifts

Vacuum cup conforms to radius surface of the packaged ham or cheese (plastic wrapped giant ham and cheese wheel)


Stainless Vacuum Lifter
Able to load 100 lb bags of sugar into mixer in a wash down area

Stainless Steel Gripper/Vacuum Lifter
Used to handle 60 lb. frozen blocks of meat.